Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care
Guidelines for Adolescent Depression in Primary Care (GLAD-PC) Toolkit
The GLAD-PC Toolkit helps primary care providers to put the GLAD-PC guidelines into effect. This toolkit was developed with the input of experts from the areas of adolescent depression, primary care behavioral medicine, parent and family advocacy, guideline development, and quality improvement.
Whenever possible, we have adapted or borrowed generously (and with permission) from those pioneers who had already developed such materials for their own populations and settings. We especially want to thank our partners in depression care improvement from the Texas State Department of Health Services, Columbia University’s Treatment Guidelines Project, Intermountain Health Care, American Medical Association, Western Psychiatric Institute and Clinic, the National Alliance for the Mentally Ill, the Depression & Bipolar Support Alliance, and many others too numerous to mention who have shared time, expertise, and toolkit content.
On behalf the GLAD-PC Steering Committee, organization liaison representatives, and the many expert clinicians who contributed to this process to improve adolescent depression management in primary care, we thank you for your service and efforts for depressed teens.
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“This is the first conference I’ve been to where I felt like the entire weekend will impact my practice I think that is due to the engaging, hands-on and fun format. It kept me engaged throughout. Also, I feel like the materials we received are sending me out into the world armed with the tools I need to put the information I learned into practice.”